Can you bartend with a DUI?

In most states, bartenders or other servers cannot drink at work. Because some states allow people to give alcohol (not all states) before the age of 21, they must regulate drinking, which is why bartenders or waiters cannot drink at work. Can you bartend with a DUI?

DUI, commonly known as “drunk driving”, refers to driving a motor vehicle, while the blood alcohol content exceeds the statutory limit set by law, which is probably the level at which a person cannot drive safely. State laws vary depending on the level, but range from 0.08 to 0.10. Driving on a private property, such as a parking lot, does not constitute any defense, but probably sitting in a stationary vehicle without the ignition switched on (sometimes resulting in the charge of “drunk in a car and around it”). This is an offense and is variously referred to as DUI, drunk driving (DWI), drunk driving or “two”. 

Washington State and Indiana have laws prohibiting bartending with crimes or offenses. To the best of our knowledge, in all other states, if you have legal problems or a crime, you can still be a bartender.

Can you bartend with a DUI?

Under Indiana IC 7.1-3-18-9, a commission may not issue a work permit to an applicant when the applicant is serving a conviction for intoxicated activities, including probation or parole. The Commission may also not grant permission to an applicant’s employee who has two unrelated convictions for acting under the influence of alcohol, if: the first conviction occurred less than 10 years before submitting the application and the applicant completed the sentence for the second conviction less than 2 years before serving. In addition, the commission will also revoke the permit if: an employee is convicted of an offense of class B in connection with the sale of intoxicated alcohol or an employee is convicted of driving a vehicle (vehicle) in a drunken state. You should check for updates to this right, or talk to the training organizer.


States often use two types of punishment for persons who have given alcohol intoxicated: administrative and criminal. Administrative penalties – fines, suspensions and appeals – will apply only to people who serve alcohol under an alcohol license (or other state) license. So a friend who organizes a party will not be subject to these punishments. Criminal laws generally apply to all individuals (although in 18 states this applies only to licensees and servers, which generally relieves non-commercial suppliers of liability). These criminal laws also require a higher standard of proof beyond reasonable doubt.



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